Hard-working K2 ❤️

A sunny day at the little park

Let’s do some warm up!

In the morning, students did their penmanship, phonics and Palooza practice. For Phonics this week, students are learning about – ig/-it/-in and – up, did 2 pages in the textbook and read the decodable book together as a class. During subject studies, students practiced Palooza with other classes. Students practiced the dance and the chant. They’re gradually getting better 👍
In the afternoon, Tasuku did his show and tell: it was interesting ♥️ and tomorrow will be Alto’s turn. Afterwards, students did reading practice, library time and PreAccess. For PreAccess, students learned about a story called Corduroy. A heartwarming story about a little bear with a missing button, he had to go off and search for his missing button.
