Outdoor Fun and Animals!

In today’s Pre-Access class, we took a trip outside to a local park. After learning about animals native to Canada last week, we went outside this week to find any animals local to Japan! Although we didn’t find any Moose or Beavers, we did manage to find some Geese!

As well as finding these geese, we look it in turns to feed them bread and see them interacting in the wild. The pupils loved hearing them making sounds and flapping their feathers.

We also spent our time in the park looking for signs of autumn and collecting them in a bag! We looked for the most beautiful and vivid fall coloured leaves, long sticks from trees, and fallen acorns. Of course, as well as collecting these items, we had so much fun playing in the fallen leaves!

Thankfully, the weather wasn’t as cold as the snowy winters in Canada, and everyone enjoyed a heartwarming trip to the park. It was amazing to see and feed the animals, as well as enjoying the best of what autumn has to offer us.

Well done everyone, see you next time!



  1. Toy story