Adopting Adorable Pets

In today’s Pre-Access class, we finished our monthly topic on pets. We drew this topic to a conclusion by using all our knowledge of pets, their needs, how to look after them, wild animals, and even domestic animals.

We began the lesson by discussing the pros and cons of having these pets, before asking a new questions: Where do we get pets, and how do we get them?

We expanded our vocabulary by learning about the words ‘adopt’, ‘microchip’, and ‘shelter’. Pupils were able to learn these words from the flash card activities and even provide their own definition of them by the end of today!

After watching an interaction between workers at an Animal Shelter and a person adopting a pet, the students then had their turn to act out the scenario. Pupils were able to role play selecting a pet from a shelter, naming them, signing the official paperwork and even taking their new pet home! Everyone’s speaking and listening skills are developing really well, good job!

It was amazing to see such care and affection for pets in this class, as well as hearing how so many students want to adopt pets from shelters! Keep up all the hard work everyone!

See you next time!

