Cellophane Art Preaccess 9/11

Today in our preaccess class, we delved into a world of creativity and discovery.

We started by learning about the interesting properties of cellophane. Did you know it can stick to surfaces with just a bit of water? The kids found this really fascinating. We applied this newly acquired knowledge in a fun activity where we got inspired by neo-plasticism art. The little ones showcased their artistic talents by creating rectangular shapes and sticking them onto the classroom door window, a true blend of learning and fun!

This exercise not only allowed the children to express themselves creatively but also helped in understanding basic shapes and the concept of adhesion through a hands-on approach.

As we wrapped up our day, we ensured everything was packed and ready for them to head home, carrying the day’s experiences with them.


We look forward to another day of learning and growing together.



  1. Toy story