Old Wood vs New Wood

In today’s Pre-Access Science class we continued our monthly theme of wood. We began our lesson by recapping all of our pervious learning and key vocabulary. It was great to see pupils making their own full sentences to describe things around the classroom; “The table is made from wood”.

Our focus in today’s lesson was the contrast between how we used wood many years ago and how we now use it in modern life. We learnt about carriages, rafts, fireplaces, old cutlery, and more.

When looking at old forms of wooden transport, we discussed and compared them to the modern counterpart. After talking about the pros and cons of each transport method, we quickly decided that the modern versions were much faster, comfier, and more convenient to use! However, some pupils still wanted to ride on a raft and in a carriage as it looked more fun than a regular boat and car!

Next, we completed a worksheet to show the differences between how wood was used a long time ago compared to modern day. We also played a guessing game to see if pupils could identity objects correctly, as well as what material the object was made from. To finish the lesson, we played a true or false game where pupils had to find the answer to questions all about wood.

Well done everyone, what a great lesson! Keep up the great work!

