Science Experiment: Elephant Toothpaste

In today’s Pre Access Science lesson we completed our first experiment of the year!

We began our lesson by looking at yeast and discussing what we thought it was. Pupils took turns to guess what the strange substance was, as well as describing what it is and how it smells. After discussing all about yeast, we learnt about how it is used and what it actually is! Everyone was amazed to hear that yeast is actually alive and that we use it when cooking bread!

Some pupils in the class had cooked bread themselves before and were able to explain how yeast alters the shape of bread when it’s cooked. After sharing their experience of seeing how the yeast makes the bread rise and expand in the oven, pupils were given a chance to predict and guess how the yeast would change our experiment.

As predicated, we added the yeast to our solution and watched as the solutions mixed, until….WOW! The solution exploded into a huge and foamy new substance, but it didn’t stop there! It continued to grow and expand, all the way until it overflowed from the bottle and filled up the tray beneath.

Amazing work scientists, we successfully managed to create foamy elephant toothpaste. Well done everyone, see you next week!

