Appreciate Your Eyes

Welcome back my Thursday readers! It has been a while!

Today was very eventful. There was a health check by one of our very own student’s mother!

Then, since it’s a new month and a new theme, we started off with a very educational lesson! We talked about those who cannot see.

Blind people have many difficulties doing basic things and not being able to see. However, there are many ways to help!

There are canes, seeing-eye dogs and braille!

Students had the opportunity to try doing things with a blindfold on just to see how difficult the simplest of tasks may be!

They used canes to help them feel the way. They felt braille to see how it can help. They also had their friends be a “seeing-eye dog” to lead them places!

To finish the day, we created our own names in the braille alphabet!

It was a very interesting and knowledgeable day! We will see you next Thursday! Have a good weekend!

