Happy Valentine’s Day!

Yesterday was February 14th… St. Valentine’s Day!

In the USA, Valentine’s Day is a big event at schools. In elementary school, students exchange Valentine’s cards. Each student will make a special box, and every student in the class will put a small Valentine’s card in the box of every other student in the class.

In Japan, it is quite common to give chocolate to the people you love.

This year in PAP, we played “Musical Hearts” in the clasroom.

When the music stops, you need to do what it says on the “heart” that you are standing on.

“Do the robot dance.”

“Balance on one foot.”

“Do 5 push ups!”

“Jump as high as you can!”

“Do the crab walk.”


We had so much fun!

Hope you all had a fun day, too!

Happy Valentine’s Day‼︎
