New Topic, Same Fun

In today’s Pre-Access plan, we began our new monthly Science topic; What Does the Clock Say?

We began our topic by learning key vocabulary for this month’s theme, and discussing what they are! Every pupil was able to make great contributions when talking about clocks, time, alarms and timers!

After discussing the key vocabulary and learning about the three different hands on a clock, we also went on to discuss our daily routines. Pupils were able to add times in their daily activities, allowing us to create a sequence of events chronologically.

Next, we spoke about how these modern ways of telling the time haven’t always existed. We began to look at old methods of measuring time, such as sand timers and sundials.

To put our leaning into practice, we used a 60 second sand timer and tried to complete as many time challenges as possible! The pupils divided into two teams and competed against one another to beat the clock! Using the sand timer, pupils had to do as many star jumps as possible, roll as many sixes on a dice, and even count up to 60 as quickly as possible!

Everyone has lots of fun learning about time and using the sand timers accurately in class!

Keep up the great work everyone, you are all superstars!

