Perfect Polyester!

In today’s Pre Access Science class, we continued learning about different fabrics. Everyone was able to remember our previous lessons and tell me so much information about cotton and silk, well done! Today we looked at a completely new fabric – Polyester!

We know that cotton comes from plants and silk comes from silkworms, but where does polyester come from? Pupils were able to come up with some great guesses about how this fabric is made! We also looked at all the different clothes and items around the classroom and guessed which ones were polyester. After discussing these together, we watched a video to see how polyester is made using recycled plastic!

Next, pupils were able to touch and feel both polyester and cotton fabrics. As a group, we learnt about different properties of each material and their pros and cons. Then we discussed how the materials were similar and how they were different, as well as deciding which fabric they preferred!

After learning all about the fabrics, it was time to test them! The students used all their might to pull and stretch the fabric to see how durable and strong they are! Pull pull pull!

They also tested which material would be better for rainy weather by placing it under the tap and seeing how waterproof it was! The water just splashed right off the polyester, but the cotton soaked it all up and became really wet!

What amazing discoveries! Well done scientists!

