Rain around the world

Today in Pre-ACCESS, we continued our nature theme and moved from flooding to high temperatures and deserts. To begin with, we recapped the week before and mentioned all of the key vocabulary and features of the flood and experiment we did! This included talking about what the emergency steps are and how a town might react if there is flooding!

Then, we looked at deserts and how they are composed of sand. We looked at the temperatures and what happens to the land because of it, as well as how it effects the animals and plants. We had a key focus on camels and cactus, as they both store water because of the lack of rain and natural source of water. We compared the key features ‘transportation, housing, food and landscape’, and the children looked at each picture to try and understand what was happening and why.

Next, it was time for our activity! We were going to make our own cactus with cocktail sticks and cucumber pieces. The children understood about the similarities of these two vegetables, but also about how cactus has spikes to protect itself from any animals trying to eat it!

They did an amazing job working together and everyone carefully completed this activity and as a great team!


