Pre-access 9/19

Today, we looked at the regular theme of science, which had us recall our work on vegetables and plants. This meant we would use our knowledge to answer questions on the shape, size and parts of plants ‘roots, stem, flower, leaf and fruit’ and which each item is used for, and how it may benefit the plant.

After, we began our test of sinking and floating! The challenge began with looking at each picture and predicting if it would sink or float based on our pre-existing knowledge. Then, we turned our attention to working as teams to try and get as many correct as possible! The children worked beautifully and cooperatively to complete the work, in a way that would have them all come to the same conclusion through discussion.

Finally, we began the challenge and put our ‘hypothesis’ to the test! This meant different students would drop each vegetable into a tank of water, to see if it would drop or stay buoyant. The children had a blast with this activity and showed their keenness to win the competition!

