Pre-access 9/26

Today, in pre-access we continued our monthly theme of ‘harvest time’. Which involved looking at vegetables and the way we measure sweetness! We learnt that sweetness comes from sugar and how sweet something is, directly links to something’s sugar content. This led on to our exploration of the key vocabulary associated, and each meaning for the words.

Then, we began our time of looking at our science equipment for the day which was the ‘Brix scale’ we understood that the higher the number, the higher the percentage of sugar in the vegetable sample. To test this, we used different parts of a plant and tested which part held the highest sugar level.

Finally, we put our predictive skills to the test and looked to guess which vegetables had the highest sugar content purely from looking at one. The children competed to see if they could beat their friends in this little challenge! They all did fantastically.

