Fabrics of the Future!

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to the Pre Access Science lesson! Today was our final lesson of the school year, so we finished with a bang!

We began our lesson by recapping all we have learnt about fabrics and different types of them. Everyone was able to speak about cotton, silk, polyester, leather, and even more! But we didn’t stop there, in our final Science lesson of the year, we learnt about even more new and exciting fabrics!

Today we learnt about modern fabrics that are made in genius ways! Some are made from smoke, some are made from old finishing nets, some are made from tree bark, and some are even made from pineapple leaves! Amazing!

Next, it was our turn to look at different materials and fabrics we might find in our daily lives. We looked at rubber bands, plastic straws, pasta, feathers, and much more! After feeling the materials, we discussed if they would be good or bad materials for making clothes.

Finally, it was time to see for ourselves! We used these different fabrics and materials to design our own clothes by gluing them onto a model template. Everyone was able to create some wacky and crazy clothes using different fabrics, well done!

Well done for all your hard work this year Scientists, see you next year!

