Top Top Thursday

Hello and welcome back Thursday readers! We have a long weekend ahead of us but we will leave you with some fun before then.

Our PAP students want to show something cool that they have been practicing. In just a few weeks, every one of our K3 students was able to tie, spin and “walk” a top!

They learned how to wrap the top in a clockwise pattern and a counter-clockwise pattern.

This was our first step on the way to becoming a top master. The next step was “flinging it outward” or “flinging it inward”. Depending on how it is wrapped, you have to fling it one way or the other.

The last step was adding some skill and art to our spinning tops. Students could “loop in hand” and “walk the dog” quite easily once they have mastered the spin.

“Did you see me do it?” “I am walking the dog!”


There’s a sneak peek of who’s behind the camera!

Have a great weekend and holiday everyone and see you for our next adventure!

