Time Capsules!

In today’s Science Pre-Access class, we learnt all about time capsules and how they can be used to show how our thoughts and opinions change over years!

We began the lesson by discussing how the children will change physically over time. We compared a K1 student and a K3 student to see how they change so much over just two years; growing taller, stronger, and faster!

As well as physically, our opinions will change as we grow older too! Our favourite hobbies, animals, food, and tastes will all develop as we grow older! For example, I like mushrooms now but I didn’t when I was younger!

We watched a video to show an example of time capsules and how the makers opened it up many years later! After seeing this inspiration, we began to make our own!

As a class, we spoke about all our favourite foods, sports, tv shows, movies, animals, colours and much more! We recorded all of these down onto a sheet, including details about our age, address, and family members.

Once complete, we took turns to make a wish for the future, and place our work sheets into the time capsule! We even added a drawing of ourselves too! This time capsule is now ready to be hidden away and forgotten about, ahead of being opened in the distance future of 2024!

As always, well done everyone. See you next time!

