Art is a Feeling

Hello Thursday readers! We’re back with another fun PAP adventure. This time we’re taking you to our K3 class.

For this month’s Art theme, students are experimenting with texture. The students started brainstorming different art materials and textures they could use ranging all over the place.

Last week, we created our own birds with feathers, felt, cardboard and much more. The birds look majestic and unique.

This week, we decided to add to our decorative wall with some clouds. Students created their own cloud shape, cut it out and added cotton to represent how they thought clouds would feel.

“Look it’s floating!”

“It’s like a pillow!”

Overall, the students had a fun time texturizing their art and learning how to associate feelings with art. Next week we’ll add to our beautiful wall! Stay tuned to find out!

Have a good Obon holiday and we will see you all next time!


