Animals in Canada!

In today’s Pre Access Science lesson, we began our new monthly topic – Canada. We began our topic by talking about the weather in Canada and how it is extremely cold and snowing in the winter time. In order to combat this, many animals have thick fur coats, and some animals even have special skills and abilities!

The first of these amazing animals which we looked at was the Beaver. These animals are amazing in so many ways, not least the fact they can chew down an entire tree using only their teeth! Beavers are also great learners and copy their parents to collect wood, stones, mud and build a special house on the rivers! We learnt that these homes are called dams and that the Beaver’s ability to swim and hold their breath underwater helps them to build these.

Next, we learnt about a much bigger animal. This one is also found in Canada, but it is much easier to spot than a beaver. Canada contains many Moose and they are very distinctive, mainly due to their huge size and antlers on their head. We learnt that these antlers can sometimes be used to fight, as well as how moose have a thick furry coat to protect them from cold weather.

In order to understand the size and scale of a moose, we plotted out the dimensions of an average moose and decided to compare it to ourselves! As you can see from the photos, the moose would take up far more space than several students! We also took it in turns to imitate and moose and show off our brilliant antlers!

Well done scientists, keep up the great work! See you next time,



  1. 御岳山_06